Los Angeles Dog Blog

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Valentine's Day

Make DIY Valentine Treats for Your Dog

We all know dogs can't eat chocolate.    But luckily there are plenty of DIY dog valentines treats for your dog that they will love! We found a delicious and easy recipe, Frozen Peanut Butter & Yogurt Hearts, that...

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Health & Wellness

Improve & maintain your dog’s dental health!

You love your dog, but you don't love their stinky breath. Sound familiar? Many pet owners can agree that brushing their dog's teeth is not a priority or daily practice. And while brushing your dog's teeth might sound...

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Beat Boredom

5 Ways Treadmill Workouts Benefit Dogs

When newcomers tour our daycare and boarding facility in Santa Monica, they always chuckle when they pass the doggy treadmill. They ask: “Is that for real?” The simple answer: absolutely. Pet owners might think it’s impossible to get their dog...

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Beat Boredom
Health & Wellness

Five tips for running with your dog

Ready to lace up those running shoes? Running with your dog provides your pup with much-needed exercise. It’s also a great way to bond with your dog, reinforce training, and even a great motivator for your own fitness...

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Beat Boredom
Dog Training

The Two Causes of Leash Aggression

Many dog owners have issues with walking their dogs on a leash. Lunging at strangers, excessive barking, and growling are all types of behaviors that indicate leash aggression or leash reactivity. If you have a dog with leash...

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