Los Angeles Dog Blog

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Places to avoid when you’re with your dog

Let's face it, it's our world and dogs are just living in it. While you may love your dog tagging along on your weekend errands, there are a few places to avoid when you're with your dog. Going out...

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Just for Fun

Stop what you’re doing and watch Kitbull, Pixar’s new short

Ever since it hit Youtube last week, Pixar's new short Kitbull has stolen the hearts of millions of viewers. In this short film, we watch as a street-wise kitten makes an unlikely friend: a pit bull. Their friendship outweighs adverse...

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Five reasons you can’t afford NOT to license and microchip your dog

More and more cities are requiring owners to license and microchip their pets. While this can seem invasive, tedious, or unimportant, we're here to tell you that it is absolutely worth it to license and microchip your dog! Here...

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Just for Fun

Dog’s Day Out takes rescue dogs on their best day ever

Rocky Kanaka takes two dogs on their best day ever in his series Dog's Day Out. In this video, two dogs from California rescue group Marley's Mutts were taken on a shopping spree and treated to 'puppaccinos,' and...

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Caring for Dog
Health & Wellness
Products & Gear

Five essential dog winter products

For those of you living in colder climates, winter can be ruff for certain breeds. Though we aren't facing any extreme winter weather here in Santa Monica, we do gear up for early morning hikes five days a week and...

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