Los Angeles Dog Blog

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Dog Training

The difference between obedience and behavioral training

When you get a dog, nobody gives you a guide on how to navigate pet parentdom. Unless you have a really nice friend who gets you a Dogs for Dummies book, you're likely left scratching your head at...

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Beat Boredom

How to prepare for your dog’s first hike

Getting ready for your dog's first hike can be like sending the kids off to school for the first time. Both nervous and exciting, it is a memorable and novel experience. While dogs might have the four-leg advantage...

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Food & Diet
Health & Wellness
Just for Fun

Would you eat dog food?!

Let’s be honest, we’ve all wondered, “what does dog food taste like?” Or, better yet, “Is that safe to eat?” While some dog food looks tasty, that doesn’t necessarily mean we should try it. Also, there are some...

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Dog Training
Health & Wellness

Signs your dog is stressed

Worried your dog is stressed? Or, you may think your dog is living a carefree life, but don’t be fooled! Dogs experience stress just like their owners do, although they express it differently. And often times, they're good...

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Caring for Dog
Food & Diet
Products & Gear

Sustainable dog products that give back and make you feel good

Sustainable dog products make it possible for all of us to lead better lives, our pets included. In this list, we included gifts that are sure to speak to dogs and dog lovers alike. That way, no matter...

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