Los Angeles Dog Blog

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Health & Wellness

Complete guide to treating dog allergies

Allergy treatments for dogs is a confusing array of ointments, sprays, pills, vitamins and shampoos.  Thomas McMillen, DVM from Mercy Animal Hospital in Rhode Island has broken down all of the treatment options, so you can make better...

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Overweight Dogs: COVID-19 Made My Dog Fat!

We humans aren't the only ones packing on the pounds during quarantine.  Our four-legged companions are also hitting that "COVID 15".  Changes to their regular exercise schedule and more treats available from attentive dog parents is resulting in...

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Best Pet Tech Products 2020

Almost everyday technology is evolving and adapting to meet the needs of humans. So, it comes to no surprise that there are now a wide variety of pet tech products out there that are designed to make life...

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Caring for Dog
Health & Wellness
Products & Gear

Reduce dog shedding: Tips for healthier coat and skin

The number one thing pet owners complain about is shedding. It seems like dog fur is just the reality of dog ownership. But it doesn't have to be. While nearly all pets shed, there are ways to reduce...

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Dog Training

7 Tips to Teach Your Dog How to Swim

Summer is here and it’s the perfect time to cool off at the pool or beach, especially with your four-legged friend by your side. But before you let your dog jump into the water with you, it’s important...

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