Los Angeles Dog Blog

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Health & Wellness
Just for Fun

Keeping your pup out of the garden

April showers bring May flowers. Flowers that you want to make sure aren’t destroyed by Fido! Whether you’re planting organic berries and herbs or fragrant florals, one thing you don’t want is your pup “helping.” To keep your...

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Health & Wellness

Health Watch: Canine influenza in Los Angeles

Dogs are vaccinated to prevent getting life-threatening illnesses, but did you know that new strains continue to occur? A new Canine Influenza (H3N2) has now spread to LA County. We want to give you the real deal on...

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Beat Boredom

How to Get Started with Fitdog Adventure Hikes

Dogs of Los Angeles are some of the luckiest in the world. With access to premier vets, facilities, nature, and events, life as an LA pooch isn't bad. One example of this blissful lifestyle is the rising popularity...

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Health & Wellness

What to Do When Your Dog Goes Missing

Whether it’s for five minutes, five days or five weeks, one of the worst feelings is when your dog goes missing. You never think it can happen to you until it’s too late. We want to make sure you...

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Beat Boredom
Caring for Dog
Dog Training
Food & Diet
Health & Wellness
Products & Gear

5 best chew toys

Chewing is a natural stress-busting activity for dogs. Bored dogs tend to chew on anything and everything they can reach.  Chew toys are, instead, a useful way to keep dogs busy, divert them into some quiet time or...

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