Los Angeles Dog Blog

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Check list for stress-free travel with your dog

The stress of traveling keeps many pet owners from taking their dog with them. The best way to beat stress is to be prepared. We put together a simple checklist to make sure you and your pup are...

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Health & Wellness

Guide to Common Dog Diseases & Parasites

As a pet parent, it's important to recognize the signs and symptoms of common dog diseases. Recognizing the symptoms early and seeking veterinary help as soon as possible can protect the community and even save your dog's life....

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Health & Wellness

Improve & maintain your dog’s dental health!

You love your dog, but you don't love their stinky breath. Sound familiar? Many pet owners can agree that brushing their dog's teeth is not a priority or daily practice. And while brushing your dog's teeth might sound...

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Caring for Dog
Daycare / Pet Sitting
Health & Wellness

Why doggy daycare can wait

Did you get a new puppy or have a high energy dog? Thinking about doggy daycare? Even when your puppy has met all of the daycare requirements, starting daycare too soon can be detrimental for young dogs, especially...

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Beat Boredom
Caring for Dog
Products & Gear

Best travel water bowls for dogs

Whether you and your dog are hiking, running, or playing at the beach, it is important that you both stay hydrated. Some places have water fountains for people or you might have to carry water. Either way, every...

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