Los Angeles Dog Blog

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What to bring on a camping trip with your dog

Camping is a time for catching fireflies, hanging by a campfire with friends, and enjoying the great outdoors. When taking your beloved pup camping, it is important to be prepared, especially during your dog’s first time. Here are...

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Health & Wellness
Just for Fun

How to keep your dog’s water bowl cool in the heat

This summer is going to be another hot one! As much as we welcome the sun and fun, it is important to remember that the heat can be tough on your dog. Dogs can easily overheat and the...

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Health & Wellness

Let sleeping dogs lie

Like us, dogs need their sleep! However, if you haven’t noticed, their sleep schedule tends to be a little different than ours. While we usually stay up all day and sleep consecutively throughout the night dogs tend to...

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Beat Boredom
Dog Training

Essential first commands

It is important to start training your dog as soon as you bring them home. However, many new dog owners don’t know where to start. In our opinion, the essential first commands to teach your dog should are “yes”,...

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Dog Training
Health & Wellness

Friendly vs. aggressive play

Have you ever been alarmed at your dogs’ behavior while playing with other dogs and wondered – is it friendly or aggressive? Here are a few common behaviors that are forms of friendly play. Barking is a vocal form...

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