Los Angeles Dog Blog

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Caring for Dog
Health & Wellness

Overcome the Fear of Trimming Your Dog’s Nails

We know trimming your dog’s nails isn’t your favorite thing to do, and your pup is probably not a fan either. But most people don’t realize that your dog’s unkempt nails can cause them health issues and discomfort. Why...

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Dog Training

Why You Should Never Fake Having a Service Dog

You either know someone who has faked having an emotional support animal, therapy, or service dog or you’ve probably heard stories. For instance, the girl who was attacked by a fake ESA or the poop incident that caused...

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Beat Boredom
Dog Training

The Two Causes of Leash Aggression

Many dog owners have issues with walking their dogs on a leash. Lunging at strangers, excessive barking, and growling are all types of behaviors that indicate leash aggression or leash reactivity. If you have a dog with leash...

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Beat Boredom
Dog Training
Sincerely, Fitdog

Complete Guide to Fitdog Group Classes

Are you a busy pet parent with a bored dog at home? Or do you want your dog to have a more enriching life? Fitdog's Group Classes keep dogs active and engaged during the day while owners are at...

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Food & Diet

5 kitchen staples to keep your dog happy and healthy in the new year

Ever wonder which human foods are safe to share with your dog? You can easily give your dog a nutritious boost with some of your own favorite kitchen ingredients. Keep your dog happy and healthy this new year...

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