Los Angeles Dog Blog

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Beat Boredom
Health & Wellness

Five tips for running with your dog

Ready to lace up those running shoes? Running with your dog provides your pup with much-needed exercise. It’s also a great way to bond with your dog, reinforce training, and even a great motivator for your own fitness...

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Beat Boredom

Easy indoor exercises for dogs

Whether you work from home or live in winter bound areas where outdoor activities dwindle, here are our favorite indoor exercises for dogs. Easy ways to fend off boredom and get in some mental and physical activity. Easy Indoor...

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Caring for Dog
Daycare / Pet Sitting
Dog Training

Some Dogs Don’t Like Daycare

If you wonder how your dog will do in the daycare scene, we're here to give you the inside scoop. Many dogs thrive in daycare and look forward to their daily romp with friends. Other dogs dogs, in...

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Beat Boredom
Caring for Dog
Daycare / Pet Sitting
Health & Wellness

How Mixing up Your Dog’s Exercise Routine Makes Them Happier

Does your dog seem unsatisfied and energetic at the end of your daily exercise routine? It could be that they need a change of pace! While it’s important to keep a daily routine for walking, eating, and sleeping,...

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Sincerely, Fitdog

An Interview With Fitdog’s Co-Founder

Since Fitdog's conception, it has been the company's goal to offer easily accessible sports activities for all dogs. In October 2018, we launch an online platform that allows owners to conveniently book sports-based training, classes, and excursions for...

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