Los Angeles Dog Blog

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Caring for Dog
Products & Gear

Dog Rocks will save your lawn

If we told you that a magical rock could save your lawn from the grass-killing bacteria of dog pee, would you believe us? Dog Rocks are saving lawns all over the world from burn spots where dogs pee. It's as simple...

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Caring for Dog
Health & Wellness

De-shedding dogs: Everything you need to know

Unwanted fur in the home can be one of the biggest headaches for dog-owners, and virtually all dogs shed, particularly in the hotter seasons. Many people spend hours brushing their dogs to no avail. De-shedding dogs is an...

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Doggie DIY: Hypoallergenic Shampoo

If your dog is like most, this time of year you start noticing irritated paws, watery eyes, and scratching. It's allergy season alright, and it seems that no matter what you do, your fur-baby is never without the itchies....

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Valentine's Day

6 LA dog date destinations

If you own a dog, you've already got the perfect date lined up. Add a beautiful city like Los Angeles into the mix, and you've got an entire day's worth of scenic destinations to make for the best...

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Caring for Dog

Grooming for holiday pictures

Thinking of including your dog in your holiday pictures this year? We're here to tell you that is an excellent idea, and also, you probably need to get pups groomed before their photo op. Whether you're looking for...

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