Los Angeles Dog Blog

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Caring for Dog
Dog Training
Health & Wellness

Caring for a new puppy

Bringing home a new puppy can be exciting but also overwhelming for you both! Luckily, a little preparation and establishing routines right away will help smooth out the transition and give you both a boost of confidence. Remember,...

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Caring for Dog
Daycare / Pet Sitting
Health & Wellness

Puppy Socialization: Why your dog needs it

The common thinking is that puppy socialization needs to wait until dogs are older and all vaccines have been given.  Yet countless studies have shown early socialization is essential to healthy puppy development.  In fact, the American Veterinary...

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Beat Boredom
Caring for Dog
Products & Gear

Best travel water bowls for dogs

Whether you and your dog are hiking, running, or playing at the beach, it is important that you both stay hydrated. Some places have water fountains for people or you might have to carry water. Either way, every...

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Beat Boredom
Caring for Dog
Just for Fun
Products & Gear

What to bring on a camping trip with your dog

Camping is a time for catching fireflies, hanging by a campfire with friends, and enjoying the great outdoors. When taking your beloved pup camping, it is important to be prepared, especially during your dog’s first time. Here are...

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Caring for Dog
Daycare / Pet Sitting

5 things NOT to do when you’re on vacation with your dog

It’s always fun to go on vacation with your family, including your pup. But if you don't know what to expect, going on vacation with your dog can be a real doozy. Before you take off, make sure...

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