Los Angeles Dog Blog

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Caring for Dog
Products & Gear

The 5 Best Dog Harnesses for Safety

Are you looking for a harness that is both safe and comfortable for your furry friend? Whether you're planning to travel in the car with your dog or jut take them on daily walks, it's important to choose...

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Beat Boredom
Caring for Dog
Products & Gear

Best travel water bowls for dogs

Whether you and your dog are hiking, running, or playing at the beach, it is important that you both stay hydrated. Some places have water fountains for people or you might have to carry water. Either way, every...

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Caring for Dog
Products & Gear

Dog Rocks will save your lawn

If we told you that a magical rock could save your lawn from the grass-killing bacteria of dog pee, would you believe us? Dog Rocks are saving lawns all over the world from burn spots where dogs pee. It's as simple...

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Caring for Dog

Grooming for holiday pictures

Thinking of including your dog in your holiday pictures this year? We're here to tell you that is an excellent idea, and also, you probably need to get pups groomed before their photo op. Whether you're looking for...

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Caring for Dog
Food & Diet
Products & Gear

Sustainable dog products that give back and make you feel good

Sustainable dog products make it possible for all of us to lead better lives, our pets included. In this list, we included gifts that are sure to speak to dogs and dog lovers alike. That way, no matter...

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