Los Angeles Dog Blog

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Health & Wellness

Is a raw food diet right for your dog?

Raw food diets are becoming increasingly popular, but they are no new concept. Raw diets are similar to the original doggie diet because the hounds of yesteryear hunted and ate raw meat on the regular. Dogs' bodies are made...

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Health & Wellness

Lost Dog Prevention, Recovery, & Myths by Pet Recovery Experts

Losing your pet is every owner's worst nightmare. Maybe you accidentally left your gate open or neighborhood fireworks caused your dog to bolt out the door at first chance. Regardless of why or how, it can happen to...

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Food & Diet
Health & Wellness
Valentine's Day

Why is chocolate so toxic for dogs?

Did you know that 35 million people will receive heart-shaped chocolate boxes this Valentine’s making it the busiest day for veterinarians to field calls and treat chocolate poisoning in dogs? If you have a dog, you are likely aware...

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Food & Diet
Health & Wellness

Fruits Dogs Can & Can’t Eat

We love fruit and know it’s good for us, but is fruit good for our pups too? Some fruits are safe and even beneficial to dogs to help them digest and receive nutrients they wouldn’t otherwise. Just remember...

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Health & Wellness

Deadly Disease: Why Lepto Should be a Core Vaccine

Up until a month ago, most pet parents in the Los Angeles area had never heard of Leptosporosis (Lepto), a rare zoonotic disease associated with wildlife. Now, as LA county is facing an outbreak of Lepto, we are...

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