Los Angeles Dog Blog

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Featured in Huffington Post

We’re so excited to announce that our co-owner, Andrea was featured on Huffington Post in their HuffPost Parents section! In her article, she discusses how to introduce your dog to your baby and the importance of showing your...

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Dog Training
Health & Wellness

Friendly vs. aggressive play

Have you ever been alarmed at your dogs’ behavior while playing with other dogs and wondered – is it friendly or aggressive? Here are a few common behaviors that are forms of friendly play. Barking is a vocal form...

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Health & Wellness
Valentine's Day

The most dangerous holidays for dogs

Every year in the weeks surrounding Halloween and Christmas, the APCC receives hundreds of calls regarding dogs ingesting foreign bodies, like toys, chocolate, or candy wrappers. Therefore, most of the dangerous holidays for dogs are stacked up at...

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Beat Boredom
Food & Diet

Summer dog treats you can make at home

Summer is the perfect time to whip up some homemade treats for your pup. A frozen treat is a great way for your dog to get extra healthy fruits and vegetables into their diet. Here are some healthy...

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Why dog daycare should not be your dog’s primary source of exercise

One of the most common mistakes dog owners make is not giving their furry friend enough exercise, which can lead to boredom and potentially neurotic and destructive behaviors. In fact, many owners mistakenly rely on dog daycare as...

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